Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The horror!

At least this guy is making the best out of a bad situation. Still, this is a sad sight.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Interesting article, "Beer battle brewing in Alabama"

This article really makes me glad that I don't live in Alabama. Apparently it is still against the law to brew beer in Alabama...yeah, wtf. You also can't buy beers that have higher than a 6% ABV. again, wtf. I honestly don't know what the last beer I drank that was less than 6% ABV. Just last week James and I (and Steve) were tasting dozens and dozens of beers at the Classic City Brew Fest that were higher than 10% ABV.

I know we are all in the bible belt down here, but even so, I can't believe that this law is still on the books. Their (the bible beaters) main argument against high gravity beers is that it will endanger teenagers and make it easier for them to get drunk. Really. Ok everyone, play along with me. Can you remember the first beer you ever had. Mine must have been a Bud Light or Miller Lite and I hated it. How could anyone enjoy such a disgusting drink was my initial reaction. It took me years of hard work to gain the appreciation for a fine brew that I currently enjoy. I'm guessing most people had a similar experience. Somehow though, these Alabama lawmakers think teens are going to be going out and spending 4 or 5 times the cost of Bud/Miller to buy a high grav beer. I think not. Although I do think it would be funny watching some 16 year old guys try and funnel a barleywine, but that just wont ever happen.

Well, I guess its just one more reason to add to the list of why we are glad that we don't live in Alabama.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Stuff White People Like

Link to: Stuff White People Like - Microbreweries

Apparently our quest to make our own beer makes us like a lot of other white people. I am currently looking for a house to buy so we can further our quest to brew the perfect beer. Driving to my parents house is not the perfect situation to be able to brew on a regular schedule and we have not been able to make as much beer we would have liked to lately. Once we find a permanent place to set up the brewery then we will expect to have a lot more friends come out and experience beer in it purest form.